Ascend: The Great Books Podcast

The Great Books are the most impactful texts that have shaped Western civilization. Join Deacon Harrison Garlick and Adam Minihan as they enter into the "great conversation" amongst the most learned, intelligent humans in history and benefit from their insights.

New to the Great Books?

Join the great conversation! The Great Books discuss the perennial truths of the human condition and invite us to join the greatest minds in history in conversation.

Each week we host a podcast on a great text and often have a written guide for our Patreon supporters. We read in a slow, attentive manner in chronological order. Join us!

Ascend: The Great Books Podcast

What are the Great Books?

The Great Books are the most impactful texts that have shaped Western civilization. They include ancients like Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Dante, and St. Thomas Aquinas, and also moderns like Machiavelli, Locke, and Nietzsche. We will explore the Great Books with the light of the Catholic intellectual tradition.

Why should we read the Great Books?

Everyone is a disciple of someone. A person may have never read Locke or Nietzsche, but he or she thinks like them. Reading the Great Books allows us to reclaim our intellect and understand the origin of the ideas that shape our world. We enter a "great conversation" amongst the most learned, intelligent humans in history and benefit from their insights.

Is this for first-time readers?

YES. Our goal is to host meaningful conversations on the Great Books by working through the texts in chronological order in a slow, attentive manner. Our host Adam Minihan is a first-time reader of Homer. We will start shallow and go deep. All are invited to join.

Will any resources be available?

YES. We are providing a free 115 Question & Answer Guide to the Iliad written by Deacon Harrison Garlick in addition to our weekly conversations. It will be available on the website (launching next week).

What is the reading schedule for the YEAR OF HOMER?

We'll cover one book (chapter) per week in the Iliad followed by the same with the Odyssey. Each work has 24 books.

January - Iliad Books 1-4

February - Iliad Books 5-8

March - Iliad Books 9-12

April - Iliad Books 13-16

May - Iliad Books 17-20

June - Iliad Books 21-24

July - Odyssey Books 1-4

August - Odyssey Books 5-8

September - Odyssey Books 9-12

October - Odyssey Books 13-16

November - Odyssey Books 17-20

December - Odyssey Books 21-24